Kick the Dog: Ruins Shane's romantic evening solely out of spite.
Averted when this contributes to him falling off the wagon. Heel Realization: Learning that Lani was pregnant her entire first day on the job, and he didn't even notice despite spending virtually every minute with her, prompts a good deal of guilty shock on his part.Has a Type: Confides to Dillon that lean, long-haired Surfer Dude types really turn him on.Dirty Old Man: Lusts after Dillon, who looks to be around half his age.Blatant Lies: When Shane rightly complains about not getting the more expensive room his mother booked for him, Armond straight up lies to his face and tells him he is in the right room.Beware the Nice Ones: Armond is genial and polite almost to the point of being obsequious, but he's capable of showing a very nasty, exploitative side when pushed.Benevolent Boss: Armond appears to be well-liked by his employees, and even his interactions with Lani are attributable to simple obliviousness, for which he feels very guilty.